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Geomorphic Features Along the Manna Fault Segment of Sumatran Fault Zone Based on Remote Sensing Interpretation

The tectonic history of the Sumatran Fault Zone has a complex character. Previous tectonic and kinematic investigations and research of the fault have revealed that Sumatran Fault Zone is a right-lateral strike-slip fault regime. The Manna Fault Segment is one of the segmentation of the Sumatran Fault Zone that located at the southeast part of the Bengkulu Province. The Manna Segment is one of the most active fault that produce many earthquakes at the land of Sumatra. Landsat 7ETM+ imagery and also ASTERDEM imagery are used for detail geomorphic remote sensing along the fault. From the remote sensing interpretation, could determine the characteristic of the fault by detailed mapping of the geomorphic markers and geomorphic expressions along the fault. Based on interpretations of Landsat 7ETM+ imagery and ASTER-GDEM imagery, the geomorphic markers of The Manna Fault Segment could be determined from the offset of the river, grabenlike valley which probably as the thinning part of the crust in the pullapart mechanism of the fault and the locations of the active volcanoes, calderas. The movement of the fault based on the geomorphic features that had been interpreted is rightlateral strike-slip movement. This study could be used for the preliminary study for active tectonic and express the potential geological hazard area. The 3rd International Symposium for Sustainable Humanosphere (ISSH). A Forum of Humanosphere Science School (HSS). Bengkulu, 17-18 September 2013.

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መጨረሻ የተሻሻለው ኦክቶበር 26, 2023, 07:28 (UTC)
ተፈጥሯል ኖቬምበር 7, 2022, 11:56 (UTC)
GUID b8d1e937-4c01-11ec-a2b9-13b861877756
dcat_issued -
dcat_modified -
dcat_publisher_name Loka Uji Teknik Penambangan dan Mitigasi Bencana
harvest_object_id 18befd46-0a9d-431c-be82-e87264974773
harvest_source_id 2d5022b5-daf9-4e24-9c32-1f9d3e5dddea
harvest_source_title Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana - CKAN