Jumlah Guru SD Tahun 2018

Data peta menampilkan jumlah guru Sekolah Dasar (SD) di Kabupaten Bantul pada tahun 2018. Data disajikan dalam bentuk peta wilayah administrasi kecamatan. Sumber data berasal dari peta batas administrasi kecamatan Kabupaten Bantul tahun 2019 dan data pendidikan tahun 2018 Dinas Pendidikan, Kepemudaan dan Olahraga Kabupaten Bantul.

Access & Use Information

Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated September 15, 2023, 11:27 AM (UTC+00:00)
Created September 15, 2023, 11:27 AM (UTC+00:00)
GUID 297b86c5-09ac-4d60-aaab-697ce0d2ada6
access_constraints ["Not Specified: The original author did not specify a license.", "Public"]
bbox-east-long 110.52129213797261
bbox-north-lat -7.76771041492949
bbox-south-lat -8.028905681266103
bbox-west-long 110.20452009040757
contact-email dikpora@bantulkab.go.id
coupled-resource []
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "publication", "value": "2022-09-07T03:51:00Z"}]
frequency-of-update annually
graphic-preview-description Thumbnail for 'Jumlah Guru SD Tahun 2018'
graphic-preview-file https://geoportal.bantulkab.go.id/uploaded/thumbs/dataset-297b86c5-09ac-4d60-aaab-697ce0d2ada6-thumb-4400ff3b-a5f7-40c2-bf39-7051b62159a5.png
graphic-preview-type image/png
harvest_object_id 3b088377-e002-4ed6-806a-7ff5522c4ef7
harvest_source_id 6f23b5aa-9d56-4db3-84bc-c86c3afe3640
harvest_source_title Pemerintah Kabupaten Bantul - CSW
licence []
lineage Data ini menggunakan peta dasar skala 1:5000
metadata-date 2022-09-28T00:26:46Z
metadata-language ind
progress completed
resource-type dataset
responsible-party [{"name": "Dinas Pendidikan, Kepemudaan dan Olahraga", "roles": ["originator"]}]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[110.20452009040757, -8.028905681266103], [110.52129213797261, -8.028905681266103], [110.52129213797261, -7.76771041492949], [110.20452009040757, -7.76771041492949], [110.20452009040757, -8.028905681266103]]]}
spatial-reference-system 4326
spatial_harvester true