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Kondisi Hutan Mangrove Di Teluk Ambon: Prospek Dan Tantangan

The destruction of mangrove forest constitutes one of the greatest threats to biodiversity and conservation of Ambon Bay. But, data and information of condition and potential of mangrove in Ambon Bay are lacking. We link three methods: remote sensing, biological survey using transect, and sedimentation sampling to study the condition and potential of mangrove in Ambon Bay especially for biodiversity and sediment trapped. Remote sensing data showed that area of mangrove forest in Ambon Bay 34 ha and has declined dramatically in the past decade. The research recorded 8 species of mangrove; two are recorded as new species compared to the last survey. Based on data collected from four transects, mangrove forest in Ambon Bay is habitat for 8 species of mollusk and species of fish, crustacean, bird and epiphytes. Sediment analysis showed that mangrove forest 80 persen more effective to reduce sediment that come in to Ambon bay. Finally, the result indicated that condition of mangrove forest in Ambon Bay has been declined, nevertheless, have great potential for conservation of biodiversity and efficient in trapping sediment that come in to Ambon Bay. Berita Biologi Vol. 9 No. 5 Hlm: 481 - 499 Agustus 2009

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Felt Verdi
Sist oppdatert november 7, 2022, 11:47 (UTC)
Opprettet november 7, 2022, 11:47 (UTC)
GUID 7bf6f627-4c01-11ec-a2b9-13b861877756
dcat_issued -
dcat_modified -
dcat_publisher_name Pusat Penelitian Laut Dalam
harvest_object_id ce2fb73c-f5f3-4aaf-bf15-9a1a6de860ca
harvest_source_id 3bd3e3c4-c84b-4cc2-8b58-2dd475ec6523
harvest_source_title Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional - DCAT